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Well, much seems to be happening all of a sudden.  Rather than posting individual stories about each event, here's everything at once.

First, I'm getting published.   JPG Magazine is publishing a self-interview article in their "On the Job" series that I wrote describing my life as a priest, and how I use photography in that life.  The article is called " Priestly Photography".  Please feel free to check it out, and also take a boo at some of my other images posted to that site, here.

Second, it appears that I will be hanging a show of up to 24 photographs at the Concordia University Library in December.  I will post updates on times and places when I know them.

And third, Margarett Marschall has written a very flattering article about my work for The Messenger, the newspaper for the Anglican dioceses of Athabasca and Edmonton.

I guess my fifteen minutes are coming.
Thanks to all for your support, and I look forward to hearing more from you soon.
